Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mighty Empires Intro and Turn 1

Today was our first day of out 6 player Mighty Empires game. Our local games workshop was closed so we met at the Wendy's right nearby. We set up the map and planned our first turn. Each turn will be 2 weeks long.

Players and events this phase:
Dan Gleason - High Elves (green) - Fool's Gold (on Beasts)
Dan Nix - Beasts of Chaos (orange) - Scouts
Tyler Bean - Dark Elves (purple) - Elite Army
Jeremy Nowak - Vampire Counts (grey) - All or Nothing
Jon Hinman - Empire (white) - Land Grab
Tom Webb - High Elves (blue) - Building Boom


Here is the map for Turn 1:

Challenges this week:


1. High Elves (Dan) and Empire (Jon) VS Beasts of Chaos (Dan Nix)

2. Vampire Counts (Jeremy) VS High Elves (Tom) and Dark Elves (Bean)


See you in two weeks!
Dan G.
